Check if Blazor App is Running On WebAssembly Using IJSInProcessRuntime

Check if Blazor App is Running On WebAssembly Using IJSInProcessRuntime

Blazor apps can run both on server-side or client-side via webassembly. In this short example, we'll see how to check if your app is runnning with server-side Blazor or webassembly.

The trick is to use the IJSInProcessRuntime interface. This is example which displays if the app is running inside a webassembly environment or in the server when clicking on a button.

@page "/runtime"

<button @onclick="@onClick"> Check Runtime </button>

@code {

    protected IJSRuntime ijsRuntime { get; set; }

    private void onClick()
        var isWebAssembly = this.ijsRuntime is IJSInProcessRuntime;

           Console.WriteLine("The app is running on WebAssembly");
            Console.WriteLine("The app is running on sever-side");


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