Make Ajax/Http Requests in Svelte 3: RxJS ajax() and Observables Example

Make Ajax/Http Requests in Svelte 3: RxJS ajax() and Observables Example

In this quick example, we'll see how to make Ajax calls or send HTTP requests in Svelte.js 3 using the RxJS' ajax() method and Observables.

Svelte 3 has a built-in support for Observables and provides a way to subscribe to them in the markup.

This example is divided in 3 steps:

  • Step 1 - Generate a Svelte 3 app
  • Step 2 - Import the RxJS 6 library
  • Step 3 - Make the Ajax calls
  • Step 4 - Subscribing to the RxJS Observable & Rendering data

Step 1 - Generate a Svelte 3 App

Let's start with generating our Svelte 3 app using the degit tool.

In your command-line interface, run the following command:

$ npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-rxjs-ajax-example

Step 2 - Import the RxJS 6 Library

Next, import the RxJS v6 library in the App.svelte file as follows:

import rx from "";  

Step 3 - Make the Ajax Calls

After importing the RxJS library, we can use the ajax() method alongside with various operators for making Ajax calls and parsing the response while returning an RxJS Obervable at the end

const { pluck, startWith } = rx.operators;  
const ajax = rx.ajax.ajax;  

const apiURL = "";  

const reposObservable = ajax(URL).pipe(  

Please note that the actual Ajax call is made after we susbscribe to the returned RxJS Observable.

Step 4 - Subscribing to the RxJS Observable & Rendering data

For actually making the Ajax call, we need to subscribe to the returned Observable from the ajax() method.

Svelte 3 provides a way to subscribe to an Observable in the markup by simply preceding it with the $ sign as follows:

{#each $reposObservable as r}  
    <a href="{r.url}">{}</a>  


In this example, we've seen how to send an Ajax request in Svelte 3 using the ajax() method of RxJS and Observables

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