Angular 15 Routing and RxJS switchMap

Angular 15 Routing and RxJS switchMap

In this tutorial, we'll continue building our app with Angular 15 and Contentful. We'll look at how to access route parameters using ParamMap and since our previous service method returns an observable, we'll see how to flatten the observable with the switchMap operator and subscribe to the resulting observable to get the fetched entry from the headless CMS and assign it to the jobListing property that we'll define in our Angular component below.

In the same way open the src/app/job-listing/job-listing.component.ts file and add the following imports:

import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap } from '@angular/router';
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { ContentService } from '../content.service';
import { TypeJobListingFields } from '../content-types';

Next, define the following property:

jobListing: TypeJobListingFields | null = null;

Next, inject the following services:

constructor(public contentService: ContentService, public route: ActivatedRoute) { }

The ActivatedRoute class provides information about active route in the outlet.

Next, update the ngOnInit() hook of the component as follows:

ngOnInit(): void {
    switchMap((params: ParamMap) =>
      this.contentService.getJobListingById(params.get('id') as string)
     next: (entry) => {
       this.jobListing = entry.fields;

When the component is initialized, we get the job's listing ID from the route using ParamMap with switchMap. Since our service method returns an observable, we flatten the observable with the switchMap operator and we subscribe to the resulting observable to get the fetched entry and assign it to the jobListing property.

The switchMap operator also cancels previous ongoing requests. If the user navigates to the route with a different id while the ContentService is still fetching the content, switchMap removes the previous request and returns the job listing for the current id.

After that, we need to render the content in the component's template. Open the src/app/job-listings/job-listings.component.html file and update it as follows:

<div *ngIf="jobListing" class="card" style="margin: 10px; width: 93%;">
  <div class="card-body">
    <h5 class="card-title">
      {{ jobListing.role }}
    <h6 class="card-subtitle">
      {{ jobListing.organization }} - {{ | date }}
    <div class="card-text">
      {{ jobListing.description }}
      How to apply?
      <div [innerHtml]="jobListing.howToApply"></div>
    Skills: {{ jobListing.skills }}

You should notice that under the How to apply section, we are displaying the content of the howToApply field but we are getting [object Object] displayed. That's because this a Rich Text field which is a JSON format for handling complex content structures in a strongly typed manner in Contentful. Contentful provides many tools to help you work with the Rich Text feature and we've previously installed the @contentful/rich-text-html-renderer package which makes it easy to display rich text fields via a documentToHtmlString() function.

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