Django 5 Tutorial & CRUD Example with MySQL and Bootstrap

In this django 5 tutorial, we'll see by example how to create a CRUD application from scratch and step by step. We'll see how to configure a MySQL database, enable the admin interface, and create the django views.

16 May 2024

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Easy ecommerce with Django framework

In this post we are going to talk about Ecommerce with Python and the Django framework and what are the available packages/frameworks to use for building your ecommerce website ,shop or platform in a reasonable time ?

13 Jul 2022

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Resetting Django Migrations

The Django migration system was designed to deal with huge number of migrations. Typically you shouldn’t mind to keep a significant number of models migrations in your code base. However, you should keep in mind that it may cause certain unintended consequences, such taking considerable time when working with tests. But in circumstances like these you can simply deactivate the migrations.

22 Apr 2022

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Angular 10 and Django 3 Image Files Upload with FormData

Throughout this tutorial, we'll see how we can implement image files upload in Django 3, FormData and Angular 10 with a step by step example

17 Sep 2020

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Multiple Image Files Upload with Django 3, Angular 10 and FormData

Throughout this tutorial, we'll see how you can implement multiple file upload in Django 3. We'll be using Angular 10 to create a simple interface that allows the user to select multiple files and upload them to the server via POST requests and FormData

17 Sep 2020

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Run your Python Unit Tests with GitHub Actions

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to automatically run your Python unit tests using GitHub Actions

07 Sep 2020

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VS Code: Automatically Organize Python Imports

In this quick tip, we'll see how to configure VS Code to automatically organize Python imports upon saving your source code files

06 Sep 2020

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Using Comments in JSON with Node.js and JavaScript Examples

In this quick example, we'll learn how to add single-line and multiple-line comments to JSON

05 Sep 2020

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Removing Comments from JSON with Python

How to remove comments from JSON files with Python

05 Sep 2020

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How to Delete Local/Remote Git Branches

If you have previously worked with Git for versioning your Angular code, there is a good chance that you had some situation where you wanted to delete a remote branch or multiple branches. This happens many times to developers, particularly in large projects

05 Sep 2020

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Building Django 3 HTTP APIs with GraphQL and Graphene

This tutorial will introduce you to GraphQL with Python, Django 3 and Graphene. We'll see how to create a simple Django 3 project to demonstrate how to build an API server based on GraphQL (instead of REST) then we'll see how to use graphiql_django, an interface for testing GraphQL queries and mutations before building your front-end application, to send GraphQL Queries (for getting data) and Mutations (for posting and updating data). In this part we'll be dealing with building the backend. In the next tutorials we will see how to use frameworks and libraries such as Angular and React to build a front-end application that consumes and updates our GraphQL server and advanced use cases such as user authentication, permissions and Relay

04 May 2020

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Django 3 Tutorial & CRUD Example with MySQL and Bootstrap

A Complete step by step tutorial to learn Django from scratch

09 Feb 2020

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Django 3 Authentication with a MySQL Database— Login, Logout and Password Change/Reset

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to easily add a complete authentication system to your django 3 application with login, logout and password change and reset functionalities

05 Feb 2020

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MyCLI: A MySQL CLI Based on Python with Auto-completion and Syntax Highlighting

mycli is a Python command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting

06 Jan 2020

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Python Webviews with PyWebView

Have you ever wanted to use your python and web development skills to build cross platform desktop GUI apps? if yes then welcome to this tutorial where we'll show you how to use PyWebView to turn your web application built using python and client side technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript into a standalone cross platform GUI application that runs under major operating systems such as Linux, Windows and MAC

03 Jan 2020

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Django 3 Tutorial & Example [2020]: Build a CRUD REST API for A Simple CRM

A Complete step by step tutorial to learn Django from scratch

03 Jan 2020

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Python 3 GUI: wxPython 4 Tutorial - Urllib & JSON Example

01 Jul 2019

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Post Multipart Form Data in Python with Requests: Flask File Upload Example

In this tutorial we'll demonstrate how to upload a file from a Python server to another server by sending a POST request with multipart/form-data using the Python requests library.

11 Mar 2019

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CORS in Django REST Framework

In this tutorial we have seen how to enable CORS headers in your Django back-end using a custom CORS middleware or the django-cors-headers package

10 Mar 2019

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Django 2 Ajax CRUD with Python 3.7 and jQuery

Throughout this tutorial, you'll create a Django CRUD example with Ajax and jQuery

17 Dec 2018

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Django 2 CRUD Tutorial: Generic Class-Based Views

Throughout this tutorial, you'll create a Django CRUD example application using generic class based views. You will be using the latest Python 3.7 version.

15 Dec 2018

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Python Django JWT — djangorestframework-jwt Example

In this tutorial we'll see how to add JWT based authentication to Python apps built with Django and Django REST Framework

08 Dec 2018

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Django Form Example—Bootstrap 4 UI via django-crispy-forms

Throughout this tutorial, we'll learn about TemplateView in Django

05 Dec 2018

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Django TemplateView GET|POST Example — URLs, as_view and get_context_data

Throughout this tutorial, we'll learn about TemplateView in Django

04 Dec 2018

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CSS Grid Layout Tutorial—Styling a Django Template

Throughout this tutorial, we'll learn about CSS Grid layout. We'll be using a Django template.

03 Dec 2018

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Using Electron with Flask and python-shell

In this tutorial, you'll learn to build GUIs for your Flask applications using Electron and web technologies i.e HTML, CSS and JavaScript

28 Aug 2018

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Using Python with Electron Tutorial

In this tutorial, you'll learn to build GUIs for your Python applications using Electron and web technologies i.e HTML, CSS and JavaScript

27 Aug 2018

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JavaScript ES6 Tutorial for Django Developers

15 Aug 2018

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Pipenv Tutorial for Django Developers

Pipenv is the new officially recommended packaging tool for Python which is similar to modern package managers like NPM (Node.js) or Composer (PHP). Pipenv solves common problems, most Python developers, encounter in the typical workflow using pip and virtualenv or venv.

08 Jul 2018

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Create New Django Project (Django 1.11 Example)

In this tutorial, we'll learn to create a Django 1.11 project from scratch using Pipenv

08 Jul 2018

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Vue Axios Tutorial by Example (CRUD API)

Throughout this tutorial with Vue.js and Axios we'll see how to add CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) methods with a Vue front-end and a Python Django RESTful API back-end.

13 Jun 2018

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Angular 6|5 Tutorial: Integrating Angular with Django

In this tutorial we'll see how we can integrate the Angular 6 front-end application with the Django back-end.

29 May 2018

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Single Page Apps with Flask and Angular 4|5 Tutorial Series

In this tutorial series we'll be using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy and Angular 5 to build a modern RESTful web application with an architecture that consists of a front-end application with Angular 5 and a back-end REST API using Flask.

04 Apr 2018

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Building a Modern Web Application with Django REST Framework and Vue: Building Views and REST API

In this tutorial, the third part of building a demo application with Django and Django REST framework for the API back-end and a Vue front-end will be covered. You'll first build the REST API with Django REST Framework then build the views to consume the API and finally see some tips for the production setup

07 Mar 2018

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Building Modern Applications with Django, Vue.js and Auth0: Part 2

Throughout this series, you'll be using Django, Django REST framework, and Vue.js to develop an application with a REST API back-end and a Vue.js front-end. The API will be consumed by the Vue.js front-end with the help of the Axios client library and JWT authentication will be handled by Auth0.

07 Mar 2018

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Adding JWT Authentication to Python and Django REST Framework Using Auth0

In this tutorial we'll learn how to add Auth0 JWT authentication to an API built with Django REST framework.

20 Jan 2018

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QuickTip: Django and AngularJS Conflicting Interpolation Symbols

In this quick-tip post we'll see how to change the conflicting symbols for template tags when using Django and AngularJS

20 Jan 2018

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Adding the Django CSRF Protection to React Forms

In this tutorial you'll see how you can handle the Django CSRF token in React when using the Axios client or the fetch API. We'll also see how you can add CSRF in forms rendered dynamically with React

16 Jan 2018

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Django React Tutorial with Example Demo

In this tutorial we'll look at how to build a modern CRUD web application using Django and React. We'll use Django REST Framework to build an example API, react-router-dom for routing the front-end app, Axios for making HTTP calls to the Rest API endpoints, Redux for managing the app's global state and finally Webpack to bundle the assets

20 Dec 2017

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Building Modern Web Apps with Python, Django Rest Framework and Angular 4|5

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to get started building modern web applications with Python, Django and Django Rest Framework as the back-end stack and the new Google Framework, Angular 2+, to build JavaScript client side applications, as the front-end technology. We'll see how to integrate both frameworks in the development and the production environments and how to use the Angular HTTP module to make API calls or Ajax requests to our REST API back-end.

18 Dec 2017

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Building a CRUD Application with Django Rest Framework and Vue.js

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Django and Vue.js to build a modern CRUD (Create, read, update and delete operations are essential for the majority of web applications) web application. You'll also learn how to integrate Django Rest Framework with Vue.js and how to make HTTP calls using **vue-resource** (you can also use **Axios** or the browser's **fetch** API).

02 Dec 2017

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Building Web Apps with Django ,Webpack and React

How to build modern web apps with Django , Webpack and React

15 Jul 2017

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Building a Modern App with Django and React

How to build modern web apps with React, Django and Django Rest Framework

15 Jul 2017

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Getting started with Django Rest Framework by Building a Simple Product Inventory Manager

Getting started with Django Rest Framework by Building a Simple Product Inventory Manager

14 Jul 2017

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How to Customize Django Admin Application

How to Customize Django Admin Application

14 Jul 2017

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Optimizing and Squashing Django Migrations

How to squach and optimize Django Migrations

13 Jul 2017

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How to Add Django Admin Custom List Actions

How to easily add custom actions to Django Admin Lists

13 Jul 2017

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Angular 2+ with Django Rest Framework tutorial (Part 3): Create database models

Django REST framework (DRF) and Angular 2+ tutorial (Part 3)

17 Jun 2017

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Django REST framework (DRF) and Angular 2+ tutorial (Part 2)

Django REST framework (DRF) and Angular 2+ tutorial (Part 2)

16 Jun 2017

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Django vs. Flask (2019 Comparison)

A gentle comparison of Django vs Flask Python web frameworks in 2019

28 May 2017

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Django 1.11 : Create super user for Admin back office

Lets learn about how to create a super user in Django .We'll be using Django 1.11 version

28 May 2017

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Django REST framework (DRF) with Angular 4|5 Tutorial (Part 1)

Django REST framework (DRF) and Angular 2+ tutorial (Part 1)

06 May 2017

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Python PIP local cache

Python PIP local cache

19 Apr 2017

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Building Real time web apps with Django channels

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to Django channels to build real time web apps

04 Apr 2017

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Build Facebook messenger bots with Python and Django

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to build Facebook bots using Python and Django framework

01 Mar 2017

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Reset migrations in Django

This tutorial shows you how to reset database migrations in Django

30 Nov 2016

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