Ember 3 Tutorial: Building your First Application

Ember 3 Tutorial: Building your First Application

Throughout this tutorial, you'll learn about Ember.js

We are going to build a simple demo front-end application from scratch and step by step.

Introducing Ember

Ember is a free and open source JavaScript framework for building front-end applications. It provides rich APIs from templates to routing that help developers use modern patterns to build complex JavaScript apps that run on the browser.

Ember also provides a modern tool-chain with its Ember CLI utility that's based on Node.js.

These are some of the tools and APIs provided by Ember:

  • Ember CLI: You can use the CLI to quickly generate Ember projects without going over the complex configuration of modern build tools.
  • Routing - The Ember Router lets create multiple page apps with routing and navigation.
  • Templating engine - Using the Handlebars syntax you can write templates for your application.
  • Data layer - Models allows you to manage your application data in an organized approach.
  • Ember Inspector - This is a browser extension for inspecting your application when it's running in the browser.


You need to have the following prerequisites if you would like to follow this tutorial step by step:

Installing the Ember CLI

Ember CLI is the official way of creating and working with Ember.js projects. You first need to install the CLI from npm using the following command:

$ npm install -g ember-cli

You'll need to use sudo for installing packages globally on you system if you didn't fix npm permissions properly. As of this writing, ember-cli v3.5.1 will be installed.

After installation, you will will be able to use the ember binary from your terminal to create, serve and build projects.

Creating an Ember.js Project

After installing the CLI, you can go ahead and create a new project using the new command:

$ ember new ember-demo-project 

We name our project ember-demo-project. You can obviously, give any valid name to your project.

Next, navigate inside your project's root folder:

$ cd ember-demo-project

You can now use various commands to work with your project.

Let's serve the project using the following command:

$ ember serve 

A live-reload development server will be started and your web application will be available from http://localhost:4200.

This is a screenshot of your app in a web browser:

Ember welcome page

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