Ionic CLI v3 - start command templates and options

Ionic CLI v3 - start command templates and options

The Ionic CLI is a fully featured command line utility which can be used to generate ,serve ,run and build Ionic apps using a bunch of easy to remember commands .

To generate an Ionic project using the Ionic CLI you can use the start command

ionic start [name] [template]

The start command has 4 templates :

The blank starter template

This is the most basic template .When generating an Ionic project based on this template you get a simple project with one page which is the HomePage located at src/pages/home .

To generate a project based on the blank template ,run :

ionic start [name] blank 

The tabs starter template

This is a simple tabs based starter template .When generating a project based on the tabs template you get a project with tab system that has three tabs .

To generate a project based on the tabs template ,run :

ionic start [name] tabs 

The sidemenu starter template

This a side menu based starter template .When generating a project based on this template you get a project with a side menu with links to two pages .

To generate a project based on the sidemenu template ,run :

ionic start [name] sidemenu 

The tutorial starter template

This a tutorial based starter template which is useful as a tutorial if you are just starting with Ionic

To generate a project based on the tutorial template ,run :

ionic start [name] tutorial 

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