Mocking Ionic Native 3.x plugins

Mocking Ionic Native 3.x plugins

Ionic Native 3.x has introduced plugins mocks which allow developers to build and test Ionic 2 apps entirely on the browser using the Ionic CLI serve command so they don't have to use actual mobile devices or emulators which reduces the time between iterations and accelerate apps development .

What is a plugin mock ?

A native plugin mock is simply a class which mimics the functionality of a real plugin .It has the same programming interface as the actual Ionic native plugin and returns some user chosen data to enable the user to test the plugin without actually running the corresponding native feature on the real device or emulator .

For example before Ionic Native 3.x ,if you need to use the Camera in your Ionic apps you'll have to run your app in the actual device or the emulator to test if you are app is working as expected ,so you have to switch from ionic serve and browser test to actual device whenever you need to test a native plugin except for some few plugins which work under the browser too .But with Ionic Native 3.x you can write a Camera mock which replaces the actual Ionic Native Camera plugin when you are testing the app on the browser which allows you to build and test your app entirely on the browser .

How to write native plugins mocks ?

A plugin mock is a class which simulates the actual Ionic Native plugin so depending on the plugin that you need to mock the class needs to export a specific set of methods that return some data instead of real data we get from native devices .

In this tutorial we are going to create a mock for device Camera .If you have used the plugin before then you already know that it has a getPicture() method which returns the image taken with the Camera encoded in base 64 format .If you didn't use this plugin before then just open @ionic-native/camera TypeScript file to see what the plugin exports and then create fake methods corresponding to each method that you need to use in your app .

So go ahead and create an optional folder in your project root folder

cd src
mkdir mocks 
cd mocks 
touch camera-mock.ts 

Open camera-mock.ts and copy paste the following code

export class CameraMock {
    getPicture(params) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Next open src/app.module.ts and import mock class with

import { CameraMock } from "../mocks/camera-mock";

Then add it to module providers array

declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [IonicApp],
entryComponents: [
providers: [
    {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler}
export class AppModule {}

Now you can use it in any component after importing it .


That is it ,now you can use the Camera mock instead of the actual Ionic native plugin and develop your app entirely on the browser .After finishing the development on the browser you need to swap the Camera mock with the actual Ionic 3 native Camera plugin and then build your app .

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