Angular 14 has been released with new features:

  • Standalone components
  • Typed forms
  • NgModules will be optional

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Typed reactive forms and advanced template diagnostics will be a part of the next important upgrade to the widely used TypeScript-based web framework that was designed by Google i.e. Angular 14. In the June release, the use of modules will be optional in favor for stand-alone components.

Angular CLI auto completion

Angular 14 adds a new functionality to the CLI that allows real-time type ahead auto completion in the terminal. This capability can be accessed using the cli.

Angular 14 standalone components

With the release of Angular 14, standalone components will at last be a feasible option, and Angular modules will no longer be required.

Enhanced template diagnostics

Enhanced template diagnostics are one of the new features introduced with Angular 14, making it possible for the compiler to shield developers from common coding errors in a manner similar to typescript.

Typed forms

The most common request for an Angular feature on GitHub is for strictly typed forms, which, would improve the framework’s model-driven approach to the process of dealing with forms.

How Long Will it Take to Learn Angular 14?

This depends of what you mean by learning Angular. If you want to be able to build and deploy a production-ready Angular application in a reasonable timeframe, this will probably take you between 6 and 12 weeks depending on your background and existing skills.

Is Angular Easy to Learn?

If you have a good knowledge of the three pillars of the web i.e JavaScript, CSS and HTML, Angular may be easy to learn. If you are a beginner front-end web developer that would be very difficult.

The Prerequisites to Learn Angular?

You'll need to have a good knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript basics.

A basic Knowledge of TypeScript can be very helpful.

How Do you Start Learning Angular?

Angular is not like React, it's a complete platform which includes all what you need to build frontend web apps, so learning it will take you more time. Let's make the process easy for you by providing you with a roadmap.

If you are a beginner frontend web developer, you probably want to start by learning the basics of frontend web development i.e what we call the three pillars of the web, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You don't need to master these technologies but you should be familiar with the basics and build simple web pages with HTML, style them with CSS and add interactivity with JavaScript.

You can get started with HTML, JavaScript and CSS from our guides:

Angular makes use of TypeScript instead of plain JavaScript. TypeScript is a super-set of JavaScript that adds object oriented concepts and strong types to the language but before you can run your code in a web browser, you will need to compile it to JavaScript. We'll see later that this is pre-configured for you in your Angular project.

These are some JavaScript guides in our website:

And this is our TypeScript tutorial(s):

Our Angular PDF Books

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